8 de dez. de 2010

This Is A Standoff

Be Excited (2007)

01 - Better Than All Of Us
02 - You Won't Pass
03 - Where I Can't Be Heard
04 - An Admission
05 - There's A Little Lemoncello In Everyone
06 - Silvio
07 - Underwater
08 - Climb The Ladder
09 - Fashion Faux Pas
10 - Affliction
11 - My Baby Makes Me Watch The Notebook
12 - Dream Beater


Be Disapointed (2009)


01 - The Light Is Still On in Broadmoor
02 - Everything We Take
03 - Graveyards
04 - Days Go By
05 - Can't Take Them All
06 - Sunrise
07 - Face the Sun
08 - Five More Minutes
09 - This Song Is Recycled
10 - Go With Me
11 - No Thanks
12 - Settling the Score
13 - Trails of White